Under Review:

“The Candidate vs the Legislator: Religious Frames Employed by Politicians.” The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.


Gill, Rebecca D. and Jonathan D. Bradley. 2015. “Church-State Relations” in Michael Shally-Jensen, Mark J. Rozell, and Ted G. Jelen (eds.), American Political Culture: An Encyclopedia. 131-139. ABC-CLIO. ISBN: 978-1-61069-377-6.

Jelen, Ted G. and Jonathan Doc Bradley. 2014. “Abortion Opinion in Emerging Democracies: Latin America and Central Europe.” Politics, groups, and Identities. 2:1 52-65.

Research in Progress:

“Religious Framing in Political Elite Communication.” Measuring religiously framed communication by US House members during the Tea Party Wave.

“Cueing Abortion.” The use of religious language by politicians to communicate with voters.

“God and the Second Amendment.” The rise of religious rhetoric by politicians in Second Amendment positions.

“Religion as a Competing Parallel Authority.” Relative deprivation investigation of the legitimacy of protest movements in Tibet and Uyghur regions of China.

“What is in a Name.” How politicians represent themselves by nicknames to their constituents and the district dynamics of such.

“Do I Really have to Learn about Judicial Candidates?” The use of heuristics to decide the political attitudes of judicial candidates.

Research Interests:

  • Religion and the US Congress
  • Religion and Conservative Politics
  • Religious Attitudes and Environmental Policy, stewardship vs dominion
  • Religious pushes for environmental protection internationally
  • International environment governance, the increasing power of non-state actors
  • Trust in and Legitimacy of US Democracy, the erosion of both
  • Natural resource policy, creation and management in the US and abroad
  • Political tension management, how states placate their people
  • Religious social movements, how they transition into political actors
  • Political and social norms, legitimacy through tradition and inability to change